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Who's Russell?
First things first, thank you for visiting my site. My name is Russell and I hope you enjoy my work and learn more about what I do. As one of five children in a close-knit family, I love capturing life as it unfolds. There was a moment in my life when the light bulb turned on and I realized I am here to capture the adventure of life and the people in it. While studying at Economics and Business Management in college, I decided to make photography my career. I also decided to do photography differently. I have a passion to make the entire photography process incredibly fun for my clients and to really bring out who they are. I want to showcase my clients with who they love and doing what they love. Fun is a critical element in my photography and I strive for fun, natural images that tell a story. From the smile of a proud father to a special moment between sisters to the infectious laughter of a couple in love, I'm there.

This is my rockstar Fiance Kelsey and I!

This is my rockstar Fiance Kelsey and I!


Explain Your Photography...
If I could explain my photography to someone in an elevator ride, I would tell them I just love to keep it fun. I love to laugh, share stories, see people in genuine love, and then capture it naturally. I love documenting people as they are, catching that “one moment” where the image is strongest and capturing its story forever; an image you can look at, relive, and transport back to the amazing ride of life already completed. I believe these moments and images exist with everyone. It is just a matter of finding it and being there, and that’s the best part! It's all about the adventure along the way.

Where do you get your inspiration?
It’s a tough question, but I am finding out more and more that I get my inspiration from love. Honestly. Now, hold on, I know it sounds cheesy, but really. The second someone genuinely loves someone or loves what they are doing, I am inspired to photograph it. Love moves people, and creates emotion. Love makes people act. Love brings people together. Love builds families, relationships, friendships, music, new businesses, and awesome get the point. It is those true, natural emotions that I am inspired to capture. Movies with great cinematography, music and books are all fantastic and help my vision but If it wasn't for love...I don't know what I would photograph!